WWII Ceylon
Petrol Control Coupons

World War II Ceylon Petrol Control Coupons dated 1943 May and 1945 June.

Dated Coupons :

Sheet has 2 by 2 array of 4 coupons each with same prefix F six digit Serial No Centered on top and Vehicle No. on bottom left and quantity printed over background octagonal decorate with diagonal word PETROL with below numeric 5/43 as MM/YY for Month Year of validity.
Upper left coupon Two Gallons.
Other 3 coupons are One Gallon

The instruction counterfoil as seen on top of coupon is missing from these residual coupons

The serial number of the 6/45 dated coupon shown on left being smaller than the 5/43 coupon shown above, each month was probably independently sequenced.

Upper 5/43 2+1 Pair with matching Serial Number and the 6/45 1+1 Pair of Coupons are from Johanne Dekker's collection.

Part of notes.lakdiva.org.lk a website for Petrol Ration Coupons